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Guest Lecture: The What, Why and How of School and Student Wellbeing

Dienstag, 01.06.2021

Reminder: Please do not forget to register!

The What, Why and How of School and Student Wellbeing with Sue Roffey

Many young people are struggling with their mental health and the pandemic has exacerbated this. Schools can provide valuable protective factors but the research says that we need to focus first on preventative, universal action embedded in the life of the school. This talk will say what this involves and highlight the micro-moments of relationships that make a difference. You cannot build student wellbeing without also focusing on teacher wellbeing. This interactive session will also explore what this means in practice.


When? - Tuesday, 1 June, 15:30-17:00

Where? - Online - Please register by sending an email to chiara.potzinger(at)uni-graz.at


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