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Über das Wohlbefinden von Lernenden

Hier finden Sie Ressourcen, die sich mit dem Wohlbefinden von Lernenden auseinandersetzen.

The Mind charity - Coronavirus and your wellbeing

Every life matters charity - Wellbeing and mental health during Covid-19: A guide to looking after yourself and others

Oxford University Press Expert Panel paper, co-authored by Sarah Mercer - Global Skills: Creating empowered 21st century learners

UNESCO - Paper about promoting happiness and learner wellbeing

PISA 2015 Results - What contributes to students' wellbeing at school

Early Intervention Foundation - Language learning as a child well-being indicator

Be You - Well-being tools for students

Moodgym -  Online self-help book which teaches skills based on cognitive behaviour therapy

Mental health and wellbeing provision in schools  - Department of Education UK

Why students should have mental health days - Hailey Hardcastle



Sarah Mercer

Institut für Anglistik
Liebiggasse 9
8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8190

"There is a dynamic symbiosis between teacher and student well-being. Fostering well-being for teachers enables them to support students"  — Roffey, 2011, p. 198

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